ABPI Code of Practice expert

As an award-winning training company with more than 20+years training on the ABPI Code of Practice, we offer expert level training.

Expert ABPI final signatory training

This flagship course is ideal for anyone working in the pharmaceutical industry who wants to develop their skills and gain up to date, in-depth knowledge about the ABPI Code of Practice. You might be:

  • an aspiring ABPI final signatory (medical signatory or appropriately qualified person signatory)
  • wanting to upskill your knowledge and become a Code champion in your company
  • an existing signatory who wants an in-depth refresh

Becoming a final signatory or a Code expert does not happen overnight.  There is a huge amount to learn. Rather than a one-off short course, we support you for 12 months.  This will give you time to hone your Code knowledge, read cases, gain decision making skills and learn how to practically implement the ABPI Code.

About the programme

This is a 12-month hybrid programme combining the flexibility of self-directed eLearning modules plus live group support and case update sessions with Jayne.  You can start the programme at any time and fit it around your other commitments.  Key points:

  • Immediate access to all the course modules – no waiting around for content or the next live training session.
  • Access to 20+ expert level, interactive eLearning modules with quizzes, videos and scenarios based on real Code cases.  Take the modules at any time, at your own pace and use them as an up to date reference source during the 12 months.
  • Regular online sessions to ask questions, discuss cases and hot topics over the 12 months.
  • Be part of a community of other expert learners, sharing insights and best practice.
  • Competency quizzes to track your development.
  • Bonus access to our 2-day material creator and reviewer course.

The programme is delivered personally by Jayne Packham and is accessed through our intuitive eLearning portal. Get in touch if you’d like us to explain the full programme and show you some of the content.

What do people think about the programme?


The programme is competitively priced. Do get in touch for more information.

Terms of business

Who is the programme for?

You must be working in the pharmaceutical industry and have some ABPI Code experience.  The programme is aimed at final medical or business signatories or anyone taking on an expert Code champion role in their company.  Existing experts and final signatories are welcome to take the course as a refresher.

If you are outside of the pharmaceutical industry we suggest you take our introduction, 1-day or 2-day courses. You need to have hands on access to materials. You can also read signatory tips in our recent blog post.

How do I join this programme or find out more?

Firstly get in touch and let’s book in a short meeting to have a chat about the programme.  A lot of people apply for the programme and around 60% of applicants are accepted. We need to make sure this programme is going to work for you and us. Please send us a quick message outlining your current experience, what support you need and when you’d like to start.



You must be working in the pharmaceutical industry and have some ABPI Code experience.

How does it differ from other signatory courses?

This is a hybrid course and so takes the best of both worlds – self-directed eLearning modules that you can fit around your role and live online discussions and materials to review. This is a very detailed course tapping into Jayne’s 20+ years of Code knowledge having trained literally thousands of people over the years.  We truly want to support you to become a Code expert and give you support for 12 months.

When does the course start and does it have to take 12 months?

You can start the course anytime.  You get access to all the modules immediately and so you can set your own pace – fast or slow. You’ll have access to the materials and Jayne for 12 months.

Will I definitely be a final signatory after taking this course?

We promise to give you high quality training, but as you’d expect, we can’t guarantee that you’ll become a final signatory at the end.  There is no national signatory exam and each company sets the required standards.  Your success is dependent on a number of factors that we have no control over, including your qualifications.  Committing to gaining knowledge is the first step to success.

We are absolutely here to support your learning journey though!

Any questions?

We expect you’ll have more questions about the programme and so get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

You can also explore our other ABPI Code of Practice training options.