ABPI Code of Practice training
We offer a variety of live and on demand, recorded/eLearning ABPI Code of Practice training courses to make the Code come alive. All our courses are interactive to help you understand the practical implementation of the Code.
ABPI Code of Practice training options
We are an award-winning company that specialises in ABPI Code of Practice training. We train thousands of people every year, supporting 180+ pharmaceutical companies and healthcare agencies.
We offer training face to face, live on zoom and create on demand, self-directed eLearning courses.
Here is a summary of our courses. Get in touch if you have any questions or want to chat through your ideas to see how we can help.
Courses now reflect the current version of the Code, the 2024 ABPI Code of Practice.
Half-day ABPI Code of Practice introduction. On demand.
A 3-hour self-directed, online eLearning course giving a solid introduction to the ABPI Code. £175 + VAT per person.
It’s ideal if you’re new to the ABPI Code of Practice and want to understand the governance, principles and key clauses to get you started.
1-day ABPI Code of Practice – intermediate. Live on zoom.
1-day course with a mix of recorded videos and live zoom sessions. £375 + VAT per person.
This intermediate level ABPI Code of Practice training course is ideal if you’re new to the Code but prefer live training online with examples, discussion and the chance to ask lots of questions. It’s a great starting course for new material creators, reviewers and co-ordinators in both pharmaceutical companies and supporting agencies. It is run live every couple of months.
Half-day ABPI Code of Practice for designers. Live on zoom.
2.5 hour live online session on zoom. £375 + VAT per person.
This is a specialist course for creative designers, most likely working in agencies supporting the pharmaceutical industry. Some mini videos set the scene with a live session on zoom exploring the artwork and visual requirements for Code compliance. It is run live on zoom every four months.
Half-day ABPI Code of Practice refresher session. Live on zoom or on demand.
We offer an on demand, self-directed eLearning refresher course and a live zoom version which is run every 2 months. We can run bespoke sessions for teams. £375 + VAT per person or ask for a team quote.
2-day advanced training for creators and reviewers. Live on zoom or on demand.
This advanced ABPI Code of Practice training is given either as a live course on zoom across 2 days (4 x 2.5hr sessions) or as an on demand self-directed eLearning course. It is aimed at material creators, reviewers and appropriately qualified persons (AQPs). Expect to be joined by people in marketing, medical, MSLs, legal or regulatory roles. £1,795 + VAT per person.
12-month expert signatory and Code champion programme
If you’re looking for expert Code of Practice training for final signatories or Code champions, our expert programme will support you over the next 12 months. It mixes self-directed eLearning, with live sessions, assessments and monthly Code case updates. This is our VIP programme and costs £4,875 + VAT.
You can start at any time and take the modules at your own pace. We’ll support you for 12 months.
Monthly Code case update webinars
Let us keep you up to date with all the latest Code cases through a 1 hour monthly webinar. This membership gives a constant drip of Code knowledge through the year for the team.
Bespoke sessions and eLearning course creation
We also run a wide range of bespoke ABPI Code training sessions. Specialist topic sessions e.g. for Sales representatives, social media or quarterly company-wide updates.
We can record sessions for you and create bespoke eLearning courses that we can host or you can add to your learning management platforms.
Contact us for more information.